Thursday, July 9, 2009

I'm still alive

It's just that I couldn't get blogger to cooperate first of all. Then too, I'm about too old to have a teenager in the house, I guess.
Yes, Silver's been here since April 24th. We've had our good times and our not so good ones. Then one of her friends took her own life (well, Silver says she doesn't think it was suicide....), so she went home to Pik. for the funeral. Apparently she was doing o.k. for the first few days but then got pulled back into her old gas sniffing habit again. And it always spells trouble with a capital T.

Anyway, if this post works, maybe I'll take up this venture again. We'll see. Last year Merle and I planned on going to east coast Canada for our 35th anniversary. Then, Robyn's family decided to move out there and we postponed it for a year. We have tickets to fly out of Wpg. on the 15th (less than a week away now), and boy oh boy am I ever excited!

We are trying to make arrangements for Silver for while we're gone and have several different possibilities we're working on. I know God has a perfect plan and it will all work out. Right now though, we are going to have to see if she gets done being angry and comes back tonight. She got ticked about a little thing or 2 today and walked out, doors slamming.

A neighbor is here visiting with Merle and I should probably be sociable. Maybe next time I can do a bit of catch up of our lives the past 2 months. I did a lot of praising the Lord over the week-end of June 21, giving Thanks for the one whole extra year of life that He blessed me with after my heart attack. I am blessed beyond measure!

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