Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The busy-ness of life

I haven't totally given up blogging, but I do have about a thousand (more or less) reasons for not being on here lately. Which I won't bore you with.

Life has been coming at me fast it seems. I told Merle the other day it's scary because it feels so much like a year ago at times. Just prior to my heart attack last June I remember crying to God to help me know how to slow down and enjoy life. I do not ever want my life to get that busy (or crazy?) again.

The past week was a mix of interesting happenings around here. MJ and DD from Sudbury were here for one week. Just before they came Silver's friend begged to come for a visit so she showed up on Weds. and is still here. I think. She got mad at us last night and "ran out". We left the door unlocked all night assuming she'll come back to sleep sometime, but so far hasn't returned. She does have other friends in the area, so that's probably where she is. Her dad is supposed to come pick her up today. He was going to come yesterday....

Anyway, you get the picture without a picture I think. Silver enjoyed having MJ and DD here and made new friends. Hopefully she can travel with us to see them sometime. She choose to stay at home several times when her friend went out "looking for trouble" at night. Keep praying for her to know her Saviour as her Friend/Father and Lord of her life.

It's been such a cool wet (yes, even 10" of fresh snow on the 15th of May) spring that it's sometimes hard to believe it's nearly June. I'm so ready to enjoy warmth and sunshine again. We've had around 5 days here and there between the rain and snow to sit on the back porch and soak in the sun. And enough warm days to rake the lawn. I still need time on a warm day to get into flower beds. But it will come, I sure.

So, until next time....I continue to live in Christ's Unfailing Love.

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