Thursday, August 6, 2009

July is over and now what?

We returned from visiting Robyn and family on the 29th of July. We had a very relaxing and wonderful trip and I'd do it all over again. We had our 3 day, 2 night get away on PEI which was the highlight of the trip for me. Not counting being with family of course. While we were touring the Green Gables grounds, Gilbert and Anne walked up to our group and said "Hi, how are you today?" I nearly gasped as it caught me off guard. They were real people dressed up like them and apparently that was their job all day.

In Summerside we took in a live production at the Summerside College of Piping. The fiddle, bagpipes, drums, tap dancers, highland dancers and Celtic soloist was worth every penny to see.
Then later, Daryl took a week off and we all went to Cape Breton together for 3 days. We camped at a cabin with their tent set up beside us. We had a lot of wonderful weather to enjoy the breathtaking scenery but also had a windy rainy day when we drove to the tip, Meat Cove, and enjoy lunch there. Someones little blue tent went down over the cliff in the wind while we were there. We assumed no one was in it!

We also timed our trip to include the Tall Ships festival in the Halifax harbour, and actually got to see them coming in from the Herring Cove lookoff. I've never been up close to a large ship before and it was quite an eyeopener. After they were docked we walked around reading some of the plaques by each ship which gave all the data, info, etc. I liked reading where they are from as they were from all over the world. One ship had an all female crew! A lot of them have college age kids on them for the purpose of learning how to sail a large ship, or at least be a part of the crew. We could see them washing their dishes or doing other work close up. Once we looked up high and saw some guys working on the rigging. They had their harnesses on of course, in case they accidently fell.

We had stopped at a store in Wpg. when we returned and Merle ran in alone to pick up something. While he was inside he got the call that Mary Jane had taken her flight to heaven a few hours prior. I'd been sitting there thinking about her and being amazed that I'd be able to see her again when we got home. Then he came out and told me the news. We had one more stop to make and while I was sitting there I looked up and saw a beautiful rainbow straight ahead of me.

We came home to a clean house, and a quiet girl who, we think, was glad to see us. We were glad to see her safe and happy and things have gone quite well since our return. We hosted Don and Marilyn over the funeral time and now it's "back to normal"--whatever that means.

We had so much rain that the slugs are taking over it seems. I want to get out today and see if I can salvage my petunias and some garden things.

Next on the list is our staff meetings, Aug. 18-20, here in town. I'm helping coordinate a few aspects of it, but hopefully by the time it's actually here I'll be able to just enjoy listening to our speaker (Larry Wilson) and interact with our staff.

Before we know it August too will be history!
I need to downsize some photos so maybe another day. Don't hold your breath, and if you're really desperate for them email me and I'll send you an invite for Fliker.

1 comment:

  1. Mom, i think you should email people your new site address, because i had no idea you were here and i kept checking for updates on your old blog...
